Saturday, September 15, 2007


Hi. My name is Bigfooz... and I'm a Scrabbleholic.

I got hooked on Scrabble approximately... a month ago, thereabouts. It started when I joined Facebook and downloaded its Scrabble application, Scrabulous. Initially I played because it's fun... the high of getting your first 50 point word, the relief you get when you finally draw the letter "U" after holding on to the letter "Q" for what seems like an eternity... and don't get me started on the buzz you get when you hit that elusive triple word score.

Like all addictions, you never really realize you're addicted... until you've gone way deep into the rabbit hole. And when you stay logged on to Scrabulous every moment you're online, constantly hitting the 'Refresh' button because you hope the person you're playing with have made their move and you choose to spend your weekend hitting the 'Refresh' button than go out on a date... you've know you're deep in the hole. Deep.

I wasn't always like this, you know. I used go out on weekends... hang out at the beach with friends. Granted, I'd bring my mini Scrabble travel edition to the beach. But at least I was out. Now, I'm no longer the same man I once was. My friends won't play with me because they claim I kick their asses all the time (which is... well, true) and I now get my kicks playing Scrabulous with people I don't know and accepting their invitations to play without knowing their background prior to playing... just living life dangerously.

I know this has to stop... and in time I probably will find the strength and courage to bring myself out of this habit. But I can't go cold turkey. I just can't bear the thought of going through that. I will need to be weaned off this addiction, maybe have a sort of "Scrabble patch" before I can totally stop.

Anyone up for Boggle?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love boggle but my vocab is not as fantastic as yours so most probably i'll lose to you terribly.

But won't that give you and ego boost and i can expect a treat from you or probably duit raya this year? hahaha

11:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? You haven't gotten enough ass-kicking from me at Boggle already?

6:06 pm  

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