Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blogging... Cheaper Than Therapy

My friends have always encouraged me to start a blog but I've always been apprehensive about all this blogging business. It's hard not to... too many blogs, too little substance.

There are the occasional gems - some that provoke you re-think the status quo while others are really good for a laugh. But there are also an innumerable number of absolutely mind numbing posts from people who really have no idea how their writing has a euthanasia-like effect on unsuspecting readers.

These people go on and on about the most mundane of issues... some, for example, fishing for comments on whether the faux feather hat they just bought looks absolutely darling on their petite little head while others boorishly shove down their less than polite opinions about people who buy faux feather hats (presumably because they were expecting a tickle fetishist's blog but instead stumbled onto a vain, middle aged lady rambling about her stupid hat she just bought to wear for the races).

So why the change of heart? Well for one thing, I'm too much of a cheap bastard to part with my hard earned money to a qualified psychiatrist. I mean, all I'm going to do is just vent my ass off for 1 hour while seated seated on a sofa, albeit a comfy one.

So if I'm gonna vent, I might as well do it here (my chair's no sofa but it's still kinda comfy as far as office chairs go) where I know my deepest darkest secrets, from my peeves to my eccentric views (which some may erroneously consider as being a tad off-kilter) will forever remain secret due the anonymity that comes with posting your stuff online.

Unless if I decide to open my big fat mouth and reveal my identity because the draw of being in the limelight and receiving my 15 minutes of fame is just too much to suppress...

And with that, here I am. Another blog side by side with the millions of others out there. I can't promise that my blog will be all that thought provoking and it may not even be funny.

But one thing I do promise you is that I am going to be venting my ass off from hereon forth. From life in general to other things that you normally won't be thinking about (like the similarities between a astronaut and someone who is holding in a big load of crap and is deperately seeking a toilet to release his puckered anus from its misery - oh yes, there are similarities. which I will reveal in good time, little grasshopper).

I think this is the beginning of something really beautiful...

And by the way, I don't mean to be rude ma'am but the faux feathers does make your head look kinda fat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok ok since you practically forced me to look at your goes!!! Anything that relieves boredom and keeps u sane - hell, it must be good for u then.
so far the one blog that i really enjoyed reading was that hokkien beng guy who's always whining and complaining or talking about women and sex. dam funny! can't remember which one though..

6:19 pm  

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